
Archive for the ‘WORKSPACE’ Category

Time to brush up with MS technologies (Infor)

April 11, 2011 2 comments

Infor Baan has seen too many Parents owning the product and now following similar path in terms of Platforms. Tried their way adapting JAVA platform with webtop (thin client) on Apache Tomcat with integrated BIRT BI. Most of the customers being on Unix stopped BAAN to change its platform. Now the latest news says BaaN is adapting Microsoft as a platform with all the microsoft technologies tightly integrated in the new UI, Microsoft Sharepoint, MS SQL SERVER, MS BI (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS) and Redmonds Silverlight for rich internet experience.

Growing number of customers migrating to Microsoft Technology might be the reason, Infor started thinking of moving to MS platform or probably change in management could be the reason. Whatever be the reason in my opinion the move towards MS technology is really a good move in terms of support, resources, durability and sustainability.

Infor’s ION integration technology provides the “back-end glue” tying everything together.

They called it “Workspace” , the prototype really looks appealing. Its boasted to be so tightly integrated that the user can make Skype call through workspace UI.

Looking at the screenshots, I am really impressed, hope there is no much difference between the prototype and the actual products. Having a product development experience I am aware that actual product and the prototype highly differs a lot of times and so lot of companies avoid prototyping model.

Advantages of migrating to Workspace

1 Pre-built migration kits to minimise the impact on customers
going for upgrade.

2 Customers can get Workspaces as part of their annual
maintenance contract, with no separate licensing fees involved.

3 Definitely a much better look and feel


1 Being so tightly integrated with MS technology doubtful whether
we will be able to see the black screens (Unix Server)

Categories: BaaN, Infor, WORKSPACE Tags: , ,